Sunday, January 27, 2013

Not under my heart, but in it...

At the end of each day, I can hardly wait to get to this moment.


Another FUN day in O*H*I*O!!!  Today we went sledding and found a NEW hill to conquer!  Girls have new sleds to try out...which sled will be faster?

New goals...

Up, up, up they go...

And they're OFF!

Hang in there, Riley!!!

um....Riley....are you ok?

AND she recovers!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Food

Doctor's visit went great.  Cooper is growing well, developing ahead of schedule and has yet to have his first sniffle.  Doctor said it was okay to introduce one food at a time.  GREAT!  Let's try bananas!!!

A lot of it went on Cooper's face, hands, belly, diaper and Daddy's hand, but it sure was FUN!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Cooper can:
                                                 * weigh 13 lbs. 13 oz.
* smile
* laugh
* grasp
                                                * follow movement
                                                * hold head up
                                                * bring object to mouth
                                                * put objects IN mouth
                                                * roll over (back to tummy)
                                                * talk
                                                * chew on hands
                                                * cuddle
                                                * act "shy"
                                                * bring a smile to everyone!