Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daddy's In Charge!

When Mama has conferences until well past bedtime...


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Grocery Shopping 2014

I have shopped a lot.  I like to shop around for the best deals.  Well, that's what I USED to do when I had "free time".  When Riley and Ellie were little, I shopped with two shopping carts.  Riley was buckled in one, Ellie in the other.  Sometimes, if I was lucky, I would use one of those double-seated carts.  But 10 years ago, those were few and far-between.  So now when I am shopping, it's grab and go.  Whatever it takes to get us through the store, I'm game.  This time, it took grapes, goldfish and shoes off to get us there.   hahaha!

VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Eric is usually the grocery shopper each week.  He. Is. Awesome!!!!  He goes alone.  He carries a list.  And accepts text messages along the way.  It works out much better for everyone involved if he goes.  BUT, sometimes I like to go.  Just for the challenge. LOL!  It works for us!!!!

17 Months and M.O.V.I.N.G.!!

Cooper Stats, 17-months old:

* 21 pounds
* 31 inches long
* has the agility and dexterity of a football player
* can jump
* can gallop (seriously.  around the house.)
* has the personality of a sweet, carefree, adventurous, funny, beautiful, fearless, loving little boy who calls me "ma-ma-ma-ma"

….having technical difficulties AGAIN…. ;(
will post picture soon